Tag Archives: Legion

This Week’s Radio Show: X-Men!

Logan is the newest hit of the X-Men movie franchise which got us thinking about all the movies so far and where we think they’ll go from here. So this episode of the radio show is all about X-Men.

We know there have been some tech difficulties with Indie 100 and The Point lately, so just tune in Tuesdays at 9PM on El Ave Radio.


Click icon for live broadcast Thursday and Friday @Noon (PST)
If the show isn’t playing properly CLICK HERE INSTEAD!

Don’t forget to go to YouTube.com/GeekWorldRadio to see all of the latest videos we’ve posted and shared, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE!

This Week’s Radio Show – Dominion, True Blood, and Much More!

On this week’s radio show we’ll be reviewing the pilot for Dominion, SyFy’s new show based on the movie Legion. We’ll also discuss the season premiere of True Blood final season.

Plus we talk about what’s going on in geek news!

All this and much more so tune in Geek World this Thursday and Friday at Noon (PST) on Indie 100, with replays throughout the week on The Point. Plus we’re on El Ave Radio.

Don’t forget to go to YouTube.com/GeekWorldRadio to see all of the latest videos we’ve posted and shared, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE!