Tag Archives: The Avengers

Comikaze 2015: Saturday Pictures

Cosplayers at LA’s Comikaze 2015 brought it hard this year with amazing DC, Marvel, Mad Max, Fallout and much more rad cosplay! (To see our photos from Sunday CLICK HERE!)

CLICK HERE to check out our photos from Sunday at Comikaze 2015!

Cinefix Movie Wars – Anna and Dave defend their Captains!

Dave and Anna are competing in Cinefix’s newest Movie Wars: Captain Wars!

Dave defends Captain America vs Han Solo, and Anna defends Captain Ron against Captain Mal from Firefly.

Captain America vs Han Solo

Captain Ron vs Captain Mal

Phoenix Comicon 2015 – Photos Pt. 2

Great Cosplay from Saturday at Phoenix Comicon 2015.

This Week’s Radio Show: Better Call Saul, Spider-Man, and Much More!

On the radio show this week we review the 2 night premiere of Better Call Saul, AMC’s new Breaking Bad spin-off. We also discuss the huge announcement about Spider-Man joining the MCU.

Plus we talk about what’s going on in geek news!

All this and much more so tune in Geek World this Thursday and Friday at Noon (PST) on Indie 100, with replays throughout the week on The Point. Plus we’re on El Ave Radio.

Don’t forget to go to YouTube.com/GeekWorldRadio to see all of the latest videos we’ve posted and shared, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE!

This Week’s Radio Show – HUGE Comic-Con 2014 Show Pt 1

On this week’s radio show it’s all about San Diego Comic-Con 2014! We talk about some of the biggest news that came out of the event and talk about our time at the convention. We’ll also be playing clips from some of the great interviews we did including Archer, Falling Skies, and the upcoming SyFy show, Ascension.

And CLICK HERE to check out all our current posts from SDCC 2014!

All this and much more so tune in Geek World this Thursday and Friday at Noon (PST) on Indie 100, with replays throughout the week on The Point. Plus we’re on El Ave Radio.

Don’t forget to go to YouTube.com/GeekWorldRadio to see all of the latest videos we’ve posted and shared, and be sure to SUBSCRIBE!

I Touched Scarlett Johansson at 7-11!!


Iron Man 2 has invaded 7-11!!! We just picked up some Iron Man 2 Slurpee’s and I can’t stop drinking Scarlett Johansson! Annamay’s drinking War Machine, and we’re pulling straws to decide who drinks Mickey Rourke, Sin City or not we feel it’s a dubious venture!

Annamay’s starting to consider having me commited, apparently it’s not “normal” to drink out of the same cup,  day after day, adding new beverages, and never washing said cup. I say it’s not “normal” to wash away the Scarlett, and furthermore why is she all of the sudden watching Hotel Rwanda over and over again saying “He’s just so good…He’s just so good…”, what’s that all about?

Thank you 7-11! Not since Isaac Mizrahi at the 2006 Golden Globe awards has Scarlett Johansson been this manhandled!

Thank You Iron Man 2!